Board Members

PCDC’s Board of Directors serves as both strategic advisors and champions for our mission to strengthen communities and build health equity through strategic primary care investment, expertise, and advocacy.

PCDC Board Chairs

David Gould, PhD

Carol Raphael, MPA

Yvette Teofan, JD

John Rugge, MD

Scott Morgan, MBA

PCDC Board Members

Helen Arteaga Landaverde, MPH

Cyrus Batheja, EdD, MBA, PHN, BSN, RN, FAAN

Dudley Benoit

Alan Branson, MBA, PhD

Pablo Bravo

Jonathan Chapman

Gerrelda Davis

John Holdsclaw IV, MS

Christopher F. Koller, MA

Diana J. Mason, RN, PhD, FAAN

Jorge R. Petit, MD

Whitney Phelps, JD

Lori Scott, MBA

Matthew Siegler

Terrie P. Sterling

Udai Tambar, MPA

Marlene Zurack, MS