Carol Raphael is a Senior Advisor at Manatt Health. From 1989 to 2011 she served as President and CEO of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York (VNSNY), the largest non-profit home health agency in the United States. Prior to joining VNSNY, Ms. Raphael held an executive position at Mt. Sinai Medical Center and was an Executive Deputy Commissioner of the NYC Human Resources Administration. Additionally, she was a member of Governor Cuomo’s Medicaid Redesign Team and an Advanced Leadership Fellow at Harvard University. She is the Chair of the Long Term Quality Alliance, and has been appointed to many commissions including the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, the Federal Bipartisan Commission on Long Term Care, the Age Friendly Commission, and several Institute of Medicine Committees. She has served in numerous leadership roles for the National Quality Forum Measures Application Partnership and is a current member of its Admissions and Readmissions Committee. She also chairs the CMS Technical Expert Panel for Quality Measure Development for Dual Eligibles and Medicaid Beneficiaries using HCBS And Managed Long Term Care. Ms. Raphael serves as a Director and member on numerous boards including the Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine, The Scan Foundation, PCDC, Medicare Rights Center, New York eHealth Collaborative, Commonwealth Care Alliance, Henry Schein, Inc., AARP, the RAND Health Advisory Board, and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Policy and Management Executive Council. She has an MPA from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and completed its Senior Executive Program.