Apr 24

Keeping Score: Using Data to Strengthen New York’s Primary Care System


10:00 - 11:00 AM EST

As we aim to transform New York’s health care system—improving the accessibility, quality, and equity of care while controlling costs—a top priority is expanding and strengthening primary care. But gaps in data and a lack of centralized information about primary care create challenges for researchers and policymakers alike.

PCDC and NYHealth convened for a discussion highlighting how data can be used to drive progress toward a primary care-centric health system. This event included a release of PCDC’s New York State Primary Care Scorecard, a first-of-its-kind resource on the state of primary care in New York, presenting data on primary care access, utilization, and outcomes around the State. It also featured a panel of speakers who discussed the findings, described how they reflect patients’ and health care providers’ experiences on the ground, and outlined how these data can spur action. The webinar featured a short discussion followed by audience Q&A.


  • Anna Popinchalk, MPH, Director of Research & Evaluation, Primary Care Development Corporation
  • Kimberleigh Smith, Senior Director for Community Health Planning and Policy, Callen-Lorde
  • Natalya Martins, Vice President of Programs, Massachusetts Health Quality Partners