May 09

Policy Solutions to Strengthen Primary Care in New York State


12:00 - 1:00 PM EST

To improve the accessibility, quality, and equity of care while controlling costs, expanding and strengthening primary care should be a top priority. New York State has a unique opportunity to improve our primary care system, with momentum at the State and federal levels to better resource primary care, strengthen primary care infrastructure, and transform the way care is delivered.

PCDC and NYHealth joined for a conversation with policymakers, providers, and advocates on the current state of primary care policy in New York State. Panelists discussed a leading policy solution considered in New York and nearly 20 other states to improve access and advance health equity by devoting a larger share of health care dollars to primary care. They also highlighted other policy solutions for primary care access gaps and workforce challenges; federal primary care programs coming to New York; and the impact of these policies on patients and providers.


  • New York State Assemblymember Amy Paulin, Chair, Assembly Committee on Health
  • New York State Senator Gustavo Rivera, Chair, Senate Committee on Health
  • Linda Clark, M.D., M.S., President and CEO, Jordan Health
  • Jordan Goldberg, J.D., Director of Policy, PCDC
  • David Sandman, Ph.D., President and CEO, NYHealth (moderator)